The Money Is No Good ©
                         new, larger portrait $20 bills
                          by Fred Dungan
"If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can
never regain their respect and esteem.  It is true that you may fool all
the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all
of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all the time."
- Abraham Lincoln
    Monopoly money is what it most closely resembles.  Never have
portraits been rendered so unprofessionally as on the new, larger
portrait $5, $10, and $20 bills.  Who did the engraving - a child
with a sharp stick?  And there is no sense of symmetry.  Lincoln,
Hamilton, and Jackson deserve better.
    Why would I bother to concern myself with its artistic value?
Because, in the final analysis, that's all it's worth.  All United
States coin and currency (and virtually all in the world) is fiat
money.  Unlike the commodity money on which our nation was built,
fiat money consists of worthless coins with little or no precious
metal in them (if melted down, they would not be worth their face
value), and of paper currency that cannot be redeemed for gold or
silver and is, in fact, backed by absolutely nothing.  Fiat money
is money by government decree.  That it is worth anything is only
because the government says it is worth something.  We could just
as easily be using monopoly money and arcade tokens.
    All United States currency bears the slogan "In God We Trust"
on the reverse side.  God has my infinite trust, but I've learned
the hard way not to trust the government completely.  Neither, it
seems, do most people.  The Susan B. Anthony dollar coins stacked
up in the Treasury's vaults and the government could only dispose
of them by giving them as change in postal machines.  The outlook
for the new "fool's gold" dollar is much better, but, not to take
any chances, the government has stooped to saturation advertising
in order to promote them - clever little commercials in which the
father of our country takes on a cool image.  Personally, I liked
George Washington just the way he was, but that only goes to show
how advertising devilishly attempts to manipulate our most sacred
    Considering that the cost of printing paper money is minimal,
the federal government makes an enormous windfall profit whenever
it places new bills in circulation.  It has been argued that this
is an unjustified source of revenue.  Perhaps a fairer method (at
least in the perspective of the average citizen) would be to toss
the bills out the open doors of helicopters hovering over densely
populated inner city neighborhoods.  Ludicrous as this may sound,
it makes more sense to me than most government giveaway programs.
    Any nation, such as the United States, that elects to utilize
"funny money" runs the risk that some brave individual, sometime,
like the small boy in Hans Christian Andersen's The Emperor's New
, will shout that the money is no good.  As I see it, that
would be to no one's advantage.  Discounting its many faults, our
monetary system functions remarkably well.  Now, imagine how much
better a gold and silver bullion-backed, crash-proof, convertible
currency would work!  Allan Greenspan, are you listening?
    The demands of economic globalization will eventually dictate
that the world adopts a single currency.  Something like this has
already occurred in Europe with the advent of the Euro.  How long
will Canada maintain the fiction of a seperate stock exchange and
currency uninfluenced by Wall Street and fluctuations in the U.S.
dollar?  I predict that the spheres of influence - U.S., European
Common Market, and Japanese - will continue to expand.  Once they
have devoured the Third World, the only options remaining will be
to war among themselves (unlikely when you consider that it would
be tantamount to nuclear suicide) or merge.  With each G8 summit,
the developed nations take another step towards a single, unified
    What makes our leaders think that facilitating the electronic
transfer of funds is more important to Americans than our borders
and national identity?  Could their decision making be influenced
by generous contributions from multi-national corporations?
    Under U.S. campaign finance law, neither foreign corporations
nor foreign nationals are permitted to make contributions to U.S.
elections.  However, due to a loophole in the law, U.S. companies
owned by a foreign parent can - and do - make soft money campaign
foreign influence

    According to the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-profit
research group based in Washington, D.C., 21 foreign corporations
made large (greater than $75,000) contributions to the Republican
and Democratic national committees for use in the 1996 elections.
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, a Canadian-owned distiller, contributed
a total of $1,938,845 to both parties.  Immediately following the
election, Seagram abrogated the long-standing voluntary agreement
which prohibits advertising liquor on radio and television.  What
did the FCC do about it?  Absolutely nothing.  Seagram definitely
got more than its money's worth and is now sponsoring rock groups
and rock concerts.  That their primary audience consists of teens
below the legal drinking age ensures a steady supply of customers
for yet another generation.
    As of July, 2000, Seagram has given $324,970 to the Democrats
and $171,269 to the Republicans to finance candidates in the 2000
elections.  Anheuser-Busch is also a significant contributor with
a combined total of $742,106 to both parties.  Other contributors
with questionable agendas include Bacardi-Martini USA ($189,024),
the Distilled Spirits Council ($177,968), E & J Gallo ($245,000),
and Philip Morris ($1,268,602).
    But does soft money actually buy politicians?  Let's go to an
insider to find out.  In a speech before the United States Senate
on  October 14, 1999, Senator John McCain had this to say:
"I believe that part of the problem, indeed a 'key ingredient' of
wasteful spending and special interest tax breaks is the effect
of soft money on the legislative process....I have already cited
...the large amount of soft money given to both parties by
various industries and the aggregate amount of tax breaks those
industries received.  I believe, even if some of my colleagues do
not, that these amounts have impaired our integrity.  I believe
that as strongly as I believe anything.  Unlimited amounts of
money given to political campaigns have impaired our integrity as
political parties and as a legislative institution....if special
interests did not believe that their millions of dollars in
donations buy them consideration in the legislative process, then
...those special interests - who have a fiduciary responsibility
to their stockholders - wouldn't give us that money, would they?
Those interests enjoy greater influence here than the working men
and women who cannot afford to buy our attention but who are
affected, sometimes adversely, by the laws we pass....that seems
to be a good working definition of an impairment of our
integrity, which is...Webster's [dictionary] definition of
    Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution says that
"Congress shall have power to...coin money [and] regulate the
value thereof ...." And Congress in its wisdom has decided that
our money will be backed by our faith in the government.
Only a generation ago, that was more than enough.  But
soft money has corrupted Congress and perverted the political
process as well.  Allowed to continue unabated, the practice of
selling influence to the highest bidder may ultimately force us to
reflect that money isn't worth anything more than the
government that prints it.
   The implications, however, go far deeper.  Because the global
economy is dependent for the most part on the integrity of United
States currency, we need to at least give the appearance
that our money has actual worth.  Allowing the trade deficit
to spiral out of control is extremely dangerous.  Whether
accomplished by force of arms or economic trickery, commerce that is
primarily going in one direction will inevitably be labled imperialism
by workers in other countries who, though they labor long hours,
cannot hope to ever afford the goods they make.  Paper promises
of future reward will eventually have to be redeemed, i.e. the
balance of payments cannot continue its negative flow devoid of
consequences.  Paying of the national debt is only half the
battle - we need to pay off the international debt as well.


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  This page last modified on December 1, 2000.